Do you remember being a child and time just seeming to stand still? I sure do. It seemed like time would go on forever. Summers lasted much longer as did the days in general. Now, as an adult I find the time slipping by more and more quickly with each tick of the second hand. There's just something about being an adult and the responsibility that comes with it that our time gets used up much more quickly. We really don't seem to live in the moment so much as adults. There really is something lost there.
There was a time when I actually used to get pleasure out of crossing the day off the calendar. It gave me a sense of accomplishment and relief. My responsibilities were met for another day. There's nothing left to deal with for now. Can you believe it? I mean, really think about that. Once a day is gone, it is gone forever. There is absolutely no getting it back. In reality there is a level of sadness that goes with each passing day. That time is gone forever.
On the other hand there is a level of joy in knowing we are one day closer to meeting the Creator. However, just how one is spending one's time comes into question. Have I made the most of my time? Did I spend my time wisely? Did I spend time with God? Was I kind to others and myself? Take a moment to think about the way you spend your time. Is there room for improvement? Are you making the most of God's gift of life?
I agree, time does fly by faster as I get older. Here it is spring already and the last week of March . . . yay! I am so looking forward to summer coming with nice warm weather! To make the most of my days, I try to remember that relationships are more important than accomplishments.
That is a wonderful perspective, Karen!
This week went by incredibly fast! I just don't know where the time goes anymore!
- Stephanie @ http://fromhuskiestohusbands.today.com
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