Where to start? It's a tough question. Really tough. So much has happened in the last half-decade. The journey has been treacherous with hills and valleys, pitfalls and pit stops, detours, and dead ends. All lightly sprinkled with the rare quiet interlude. Oh, how I would love to linger blissfully long in the quiet interludes. Why are they ever so fleeting? The reality of the matter is that life happens most often at breakneck speed. This journey of discovery with my health has been no exception.
Homeschooling in Park with The Zoo Crew
Please excuse my dust. The Zoo Crew is undergoing a transformation. Stay tuned for a new perspective on homeschooling with some unexpected twists and turns. We're on a new journey, and we look forward to sharing it with you.
Monday, March 01, 2021
Let's Catch Up
Wednesday, December 23, 2020
Homeschooling in Park
Five years?
Five years!
What a time it has been.
This year has been crazy for everyone. No matter how you slice it. Even if everything in your everyday life remained constant, and large troubles didn't invade their way into your life, 2020 impacted us all. And, it's not over quite yet. For many, despite 2020, life was a bit over the top this year. Such is the case for us. What a wild ride it has been. Much of that journey has led me to make a complete overhaul of the direction and purpose of this blog.
I miss writing on the regular. I miss the blogging community. I miss connecting with other like-minded, inspirational, thought challenging, eclectic, creative, and invested individuals. When I took a break from blogging five years ago, I would have never guessed that it would have been a five-year break. Here I thought I was dealing with a health challenge and would return quickly and better than ever. My health had degraded to a point where keeping up with everyday life was beyond challenging. Often, it was darned near impossible. Despite everything, we persevered. More challenges came, and we overcame them as well.
My hope is that through the sharing of my experience (where I've been, where I am, and where I am going), I will be able to encourage and inspire those struggling through similar challenges. Maybe you aren't struggling personally, but you know someone who is struggling to live their best life, despite chronic health issues, and you just want to learn more to better support them. I hope this will be a good place for you as well. Our journey is complex and crazy, and often overwhelming. We succeed and fail on the regular. I promise to keep it real here; no sugar coating life.
At The Zoo Crew, we live each day the best that we can while living in park. (I promise. I will soon enough explain what that means.) Life may be messy, but through consistency and determination, we continue to strive to create our best life. We do our best to lead our children to confident independence through a relationship with Christ and hard work in all areas of living and learning. As a family, we face challenges with strength and determination no matter what. Failure just is not an option. Too much is at stake.
So, if you have been struggling, no matter how long, stick around. We can learn and grow together. There is strength in numbers, and it truly does take a village. I am working hard to support my health, nurture relationships, and educate my family. I invite you to come alongside me so that we can travel together through the good, the bad, and the ugly.
We'll talk soon -
Monday, November 16, 2015
MercyMe It's Christmas! CD - A FlyBy Promotions Review & GIVEAWAY
I love the sentiment of Christmas and the entire holiday season. Despite growing up in a very financially poor home I have very fond memories of the Christmas season. It's a time to more acutely focus on the things that matter most; the little things. Maybe at least in part that is why I love the winter so very much. Yes, I am one of those peculiar individuals that will merrily answer, "Winter!" when asked, "What is your favorite season?"
What is not to like?
There is magic in winter, a simple joy that exists in none of the other seasons, and I have been blessed to call a region home for most all of my life that has four distinct season. Yes, it IS a blessing! Without winter there would be no snowmen, hot cocoa, crackling fires, cute hats, snow angels, dogs flinging flakes with their noses, and Christmas just wouldn't quite feel the same. One of the most beautiful side effects of winter and Christmas time, I believe, is seasonal music. I have loved Christmas music ever since my mom introduced us to John Denver and The Muppets all those years ago.
My last experience with a Pizza Ranch original CD was so joyous that I couldn't resist the opportunity to review their latest CD, MercyMe, It's Christmas! This is BY FAR my most favorite Christmas CD ever.
No joke.
I 100% absolutely LOVE this CD!!!
I would gladly share with you my favorite song if I could actually choose one. It really is that good. It's crankable! (I'm a blogger. I can make up words.) Really! This is a full of energy, praise, joy, harmony, and power. It evokes emotion, commands your accompaniment (you cannot help but sing along), and puts your focus on the reason for the season. Despite this being a Christmas CD I could seriously listen to this year round. I've got no problem playing the whole album on repeat. It's THAT good!
In our family we have a tradition. Christmas morning my husband and I get to go downstairs alone. We make a pot of coffee and make sure everything is perfect and tend to any breakfast details that may be needed. It's a quiet, peaceful time just for us. Once we start hearing activity on the floor above, we wait just a little longer. Suspense is a beautiful thing sometimes. Then, when it feels right we turn on the music loud enough for the miniature humans anxiously awaiting the cue upstairs. So begins our Christmas morning together as a family.
I bet you can guess which CD we'll be cranking to call down the children this Christmas morning. I almost cannot wait. Take my word for it. This is one amazing CD!
About MercyMe It's Christmas CD and its debut with Pizza Ranch:
Mercy Me It's Christmas CD is available in Pizza Ranch locations through December 31st of this year. It has 4 exclusive songs that can only be found on the CD version being sold by Pizza Ranch. Each CD will be sold for $5 plus tax. Pizza Ranch will give away the CD with a $25 gift card purchase as well as sell the full album at each of its 200 locations throughout the Midwest and Great Plains states. "We are so excited to debu our new Christmas album, MercyMe, It's Christmas. with Pizza Ranch", said Bart Millard with MercyMe. "Pizza Ranch is a fantastic restaurant with a great mission to glorify God. It's the perfect gift to give this Christmas season and the perfect CD to get you in the Christmas spirit."
You know what's even better than this CD? A FREE COPY just for you! Just leave me a comment below and share with me your most cherished Christmas tradition, and you'll be entered in a random drawing for your very own copy shipped to your door for FREE. It's that simple! Trust me. You WANT this CD. Deadline to enter is Sunday, November 22nd. Don't miss out on your chance!

Wednesday, November 11, 2015
Grapevine Studies - A Review
This year I set out to make studying the Bible a real part of our homeschool. Since we just started our 2015-16 routine last month this resource could not have come to us at a better time. Grapevine Studies has created and AWESOME curriculum in Stick Figure Through the Bible. The kids and I have been joyously working through Old Testament 1: Level 1 Creation to Jacob. I must be getting more keen on spotting resources that span the sea of years between our oldest homeschooler and the two youngest. Five years can be a tough gap to bridge, but I am happy to say that this Bible curriculum does it phenomenally for our family.
There is so much to love about this curriculum. Aside from bridging the gap between my children my absolute favorite thing from a teaching standpoint is that it requires ZERO planning on my part. Aside from printing the sheets from my downloaded student book there is nothing for me to do other than pulling up the teacher book on my laptop and grabbing a dry erase marker. That's it! Nothing to it. Everything is spelled out for me, and I simply love that! Another amazing benefit that was totally unforeseen for me is that my ten year old can teach it! YES! GIGANTIC BONUS! A couple of times I have had interruptions during our studies that demanded my attention. I handed her the marker, and she took over with ease. How wonderful is that?
From a kid standpoint all I can say is that they all absolutely love this course of study. The ten year old practically begs to do it each morning, and I get no flack from the younger two. The fact that they can use the traceable version makes all the difference in the world in regard to their desire to fully participate in the lesson. It's perfect for their four and five year old skill levels and encourages them in their fine motor skills, letter recognition, imagination, biblical understanding, and creativity. They actively participate in the lesson, and I have to say that it just warms my heart.
I do have to admit that I am a book in hand kind of gal. We were blessed with the downloadable, e-book version of this curriculum. However, given a choice I would have preferred the printed book version. It's taken a little getting used to having to have my laptop in front of me when I teach the lesson. I even think I would love each kid to have their own workbook. However, we are making it work with ease, and this old school mama is moving a little further into the 21st Century, albeit a tad unwillingly. I am old enough to have listened to eight track tapes with headphones the size of softballs, so I'm sure you understand. However, if you don't know what eight track tapes are then you probably have no way of relating to my struggle.

Tuesday, November 10, 2015
The Basics of Critical Thinking - A Review