Thursday, July 22, 2010

Travel Kits - A Simple Way to Bless Others

If I had only thought of this when all of my children were young! Could it be that our family camping trips could have been even more enjoyable? (Not to mention our L-O-N-G trip to Maine with three teenagers!) I sure do think so. What a wonderful idea this is! Check it out…

Donna Reese has come up with such a simple way to bring joy to anyone, young or old, embarking on a trip, be it long or short. However, I think those traveling the longest distances have the most to gain from this brilliant idea. There is so much potential here.

What is a Travel Kit you ask? Well, let me tell you. Travel kits are brilliant little packages that you custom design for that someone special that is embarking on a trip no matter the mode of transportation. Kits can be made for anyone traveling by vehicle, bus, airplane, train, boat…I’d venture to say even donkey! The ideas are limited only by the extent of you imagination.

The basic low-down of exactly what a travel kit is can best be said by the author herself, “A travel kit is a collection of items that will entertain and/or delight the passengers (especially the younger passengers), thus making the trip more pleasant for everyone. The items should be chosen, purchased (or baked, rented, checked out of the library, or crafted), and then wrapped individually. The components of your travel kit should be assembled in an appealing, creative, hardy “container” that will easily fit in your vehicle, within easy reach of the passengers (or mom’s reach if you have very young children).”

If you are a lover of detail, Donna set you up, but fret not! If too many details just give you a headache the material is also presented in such a manner that those of us that want to just get down to the brass tacks can do just that. Travel Kits - A Simple Way to Bless Others is presented in such a manner that choosing your project and getting started is super simple. You can soak in as much or as little detail as desired and get started on your project right away.

The only real planning you need to do in advance is a little detective work. It is helpful to know the number of travelers, the length of the trip, and a little about the interests of the recipients. I would also add that if the travel kit were being made as a gift for someone outside of the family, taking a trip that you are not participating in, it would be beneficial to know their destination. After you’ve acquired this information the real fun begins.

Once your planning is complete you will have to make a few decisions. Will these be small gifts to take up little space, or is there room for something a little bigger? What is your budget? How much can you afford to spend on each person, or a group as a whole? Debbie provides many ideas for both large and small budgets.

Plenty of buying tips are included in this e-book as well. This is especially helpful if we are unfamiliar with a certain age group. One useful recommendation is to purchase duplicate gifts if children of similar ages will be traveling together. This provides for an easier shopping trip as well as cuts out the temptation of jealousy between children. Mom will definitely be appreciative of this thoughtful gesture! Travel Kits - A Simple Way to Bless Others is chock full of custom ideas that are sure to make your travel kit a great hit with whoever is the blessed recipient of your thoughtful gift. Your travel kit is sure to be chock full of fun gifts and presented in such an enjoyable fashion that it will bring sure fire enjoyment to your lucky recipient.

Sure, you could come up with some sort of travel kit all on your own. However, the advice, resources and guidance given in Travel Kits - A Simple Way to Bless Others will guarantee the creation of a spectacular gift and quite possibly the beginning of a treasured family tradition. Ever since the first time I read this e-book my gears have been turning. There is so much potential here. I plan to treasure this resource and refer back to it for years to come.

Keep your eyes on The Zoo Crew for pictures of my upcoming creations. I plan to make travel kits for my good friends Bill and Marla who are both in their 60’s. Bless their hearts; they are heading to Georgia with their daughter-in-law and their three grandchildren ages nine, eight, and four via mini-van. This is a 20 hour drive! I am certain that they will be very happy to take along their travel kits.

I also see myself carrying this theme into the holidays with my gift giving. Our grandchildren are still young. We have seven, ages five and under, and we are waiting for number eight who is due in January. Typically, I give them a gift bag full of small gifts. How much more fun would it be for them if I incorporate the travel kit idea of wrapping each gift!

Also, this resource could not have come to me at a better time. With our new little guy life as we knew no longer exists. What a strange phenomenon it will be to travel with just one child. I will definitely be doing this for little Avery as he grows and travels with mom and dad throughout the years.

I highly recommend this e-book. It is certain to fuel your creativity bringing joy to you, your family, and those around you. What potential for fun there is wrapped up in this little electronic storehouse of information!

Travel Kits - A Simple Way to Bless Others is available for $12.95 through The Old Schoolhouse magazine. Look here for a sneak peek of the Table of Contents and a few select pages.

Note: As a review blogger, I am provided a free copy of the book, curriculum or product to test and use in order to write an honest review. I receive no other compensation and the opinions I share are my own and not influenced by the company in question.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Where Does the Time Go?

Can you believe it? Avery is already six months old! That is one thing I notice more with him than I did with any of our other children, the passage of time. It really does go by in a blink. Every second that passes cannot be regained. That's just the way life goes. If you don't pay attention, you will miss it all.

I have to agree with the post over at The Art and Science of Parenting. Dad states that, "Sure, you want to have big adventures with your kids sometimes, but what they will really remember about you is if you were there every day for all of their little adventures..." In my opinion there is no greater gift that we can give our children than our time and attention. Kids just want to be with us. They want our undivided attention. It is not important to them to have an elaborate gift or expensive trip. Spending time with us and having fun is all that matters.

The gift that I've received from having Avery in our lives is the realization of just how important time is. We really have such a short period of time here on this earth, and what do we really do with it? What do we spend our time focusing on? Where does our energy go? What is our attitude like? Life really is made up of all the little things. The big things are fleeting, but little things repeat over and over throughout our entire existence. I am quite certain that we can have a lot more fun, find more enjoyment, and bring more delight to others when we learn to shift our focus to the minute moment. Doing so puts us in the here and now; right exactly where we need to be. I can see no other way to be content than to be present, enjoying each moment as it comes.

Don't get me wrong. I still have goals, I still strive to be a more complete individual, I still have desires, but they are not my primary focus anymore. I'm enjoying the slow life. Despite my desire to live in the country, and put myself in an environment that promotes a much slower paced life, I have discovered that one can live in the city and still find that laid back perspective. It's a choice. Our attitude is up to us. It is not determined by our environment. We are in control of how our attitude effects our environment, not the other way around. Talk about an "ah ha moment"!


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