Thursday, September 17, 2015

Super Teacher Worksheets - A Review

This year we are doing things a little different here at Royal Academy.  Our crew at the zoo is growing and learning by leaps and bounds.  Prepping for this coming school year has proven to be one of my most challenging ventures in homeschooling so far.  Thankfully we are not officially beginning our new schedule until the first Monday in October.  I originally planned it that way thinking I would be using the time to put up summer's bounty in my pantry and freezer.  Well, let's just say God had other plans for my time.  I have managed to put some things up.  We have 50 bags of shredded zucchini awaiting our cooking creativity along with strawberry puree and several pounds of Michigan blueberries.  I canned some broth with my new pressure canner, but my grand ambitions were thwarted by life.  It does have a way of doing that time and again.  I'm sure you're familiar with the run down.

Our summer has been spent marrying off daughters, attending celebrations, adding sheep and chickens to the farm, building deer blinds, chopping and stacking wood, and anticipating the 2015-16 school year.  If you've visited here more than once you know that my approach to education is rather relaxed.  I've never had a subscription to any type of printable website.  So, the idea of Super Teacher Worksheets intrigued me.  It's not a curriculum.  It's a membership to a website that gives you access to thousands of worksheets with new worksheets being added each and every week.  As a homeschooling family we were given access to the Individual Membership for this review, but there are options for school buildings and school districts as well.

Super Teacher Worksheets is an amazing resource that provides comprehensive and supplemental materials on a vast array of subjects.  Primarily geared toward the elementary levels the website provides worksheets on subjects such as English, Fractions, Geometry, Holidays, Foreign Language, Reading, Science, and Spelling.  The resources found here not only benefit the elementary aged student.  There are teacher resources and subjects beneficial to upper grade levels as well.  There are even worksheets that you can customize to meet the particular needs of your student, curriculum, or school.

Since we didn't do a full routine this summer we enjoyed playing around with the worksheets.  In so doing we discovered that Super Teacher Worksheets will meet our needs for Spelling for the resident 10 year old this coming school year.  It's a wonderful set-up that makes spelling fun by providing a word list with corresponding activities that make learning the words a fun  and well rounded experience.  It covers aspects like alphabetical order, correcting misspelled words, cutting and gluing, word searches, and writing.  Spelling is one of the more challenging subjects for our 10 year old.  Having a resource like this that makes it enjoyable is a true blessing.

One other thing that we chose to explore within the website are the worksheets that teach competency in regard to money.  Our 10 year old has gotten a lot stronger in her ability to count and write in relation to currency.  Super Teacher Worksheets provides wonderful worksheets that challenge the skills required to confidently handle money.  She has reinforced her counting skills as well as gained some new skills in the various ways that currency can be presented in written format.  It's fun to see her enjoy building on the skills she was already developing and gain confidence in handling herself at the checkout counter at the local market.

Of course, we had to do at least one activity as a family.  There are things to be found within the website that could be considered just for fun, and we found one.  At the beginning of the school year I love to do something personal with the kids that explores a little bit about who they are and how they think.  So, I was excited to find an 'All About Me' page within the files.  I printed one out for all of us.  Yes.  I did one too!  Why not?  It was fun to work with the kids coloring and thinking about what it is that makes us unique and our personal interests.  We hung them in our gallery as a fun way to anticipate the new school year.

The possibilities of this website are really only limited by your own creativity, and your supply of printer ink.  There is so much potential here.  Depending on your own personal needs this could be a comprehensive resource, a supplement to what you're already doing, a slow start for a transition, a place for free exploration, and on and on.  We will most certainly be enjoying Super Teacher Worksheets throughout this school year for fun and practical activities.

Super Teacher Worksheets Review
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